Liver Damage: symptoms, causes and prevention

The liver is an important organ that needs to perform hundreds of functions related to metabolism, energy storage and waste detoxification. It helps you digest food, convert it into energy, and store your energy until you need it. It also helps flush out toxins from your bloodstream.

Liver disease is a term that refers to any condition affecting your liver. These conditions can develop for many reasons, but all of these can damage your liver and affect its function. Liver disease is a disorder of liver function that causes disease. The liver is responsible for many important functions within the body and in the event of illness or injury, loss of these functions can cause significant damage to the body. Liver disease is a broad term that encompasses all possible problems, which cause the liver to fail to perform its intended function. More than 75% or three-quarters of liver tissue function usually needs to be affected before it can be affected.

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Cause to liver damage

Many diseases and disorders can affect the liver, such as certain medications such as acetaminophen and acetaminophen combination drugs such as Vicodin and narco, as well as statins, cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, hepatitis, B, C, D and E., infectious mononucleosis. Epstein Barr virus), nonclogic fatty liver disease (NASH) and iron overload.

Some common causes of liver damage are:

  • Virus
  • Genetics
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • poor diet
  • Reaction to other drugs

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Symptoms of Liver Failure

Liver damage does not always show noticeable signs and symptoms. If signs and symptoms of liver disease appear, they may include:

Skin and eyes that appear yellow

Abdominal pain and bloating

Swelling of feet and ankles

itchy skin

Dark pee

Yellow stool color

Excessive fatigue

Vomiting or nausea

loss of appetite

easy to clean



Excessive fatigue.

Early diagnosis of liver disease

Early diagnosis can prevent liver damage. If you are diagnosed with scar tissue already formed, the liver can repair and even regenerate itself. As a result, liver disease damage can often be reversed with a well-managed treatment plan.

Many people with liver problems do not look sick or feel ill even after their liver is damaged. At some point in the development of liver disease, the damage may be irreversible and can result in liver failure, liver cancer, or death.

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The Diagnosis

If you are worried that you may have liver problems, it is better to make an appointment with your doctor to reduce your symptoms.

They will start looking at your medical records and ask about any family history of liver problems. Next, they are likely to ask some questions about the symptoms, including when they started, and whether certain things make them better or worse.

In addition, doctors can recommend you:

liver function tests

Complete blood count test

CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound to check for liver or tumor damage

Liver biopsy, which involves taking a small sample of your liver and checking for signs of injury or illness.

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Risk factors for liver damage

Some factors that increase the risk of liver damage are:

Heavy alcohol use


Diabetes type 2

Tattooing or body piercing

Injecting drugs using shared needles

Exposure to other people’s blood and body fluids

Unprotected sex

Exposure to certain chemicals or toxins

Family history of liver disease

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How is liver damage treated?

Liver damage is chronic because they last for many years and can never go away. However, chronic liver diseases can be managed. To some extent, lifestyle changes can help treat liver damage naturally:

Reduce alcohol intake

Maintaining a healthy weight

drink plenty of water

Try to adopt a liver-friendly diet that is rich in fiber that reduces fat, sugar and salt.

Depending on the severity of liver damage, doctors will recommend a change in your diet. The doctor may suggest you some medical treatment:

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis

Steroids to reduce liver inflammation

Medicine for blood pressure

Antibiotic medicines

Drugs to target specific symptoms, such as itchy skin

Vitamins and supplements to improve liver health

Complications of liver damage

Cerebral edema– Fluid buildup is a liver failure problem. Apart from your stomach, it can also pool in your brain and give rise to high blood pressure.

Problems with blood clots – The liver plays a major role in helping your blood clots. If you cannot do that work, then you are at risk of bleeding independently.

Infections like pneumonia and UTIs – you may be more likely to get an infection from end-stage liver disease.

Kidney failure– Liver failure can change the way your kidneys work and can cause failure.

Prevention for liver damage

Get Hepatitis or immunoglobulin vaccine to protect against Hepatitis A and B.

Take proper diet.

Maintain proper weight, not overweight.

Do not drink any extra alcohol. Avoid alcohol when you are taking acetaminophen.

Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your foods.

If you have a tattoo or body piercing, make sure the conditions are sanitary and that all equipment is aseptic .

If you use illegal intravenous drugs, do not share needles with anyone.

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